Caring for an Injury with a Chiropractor

When one hears “chiropractor,” the immediate thoughts may be of relieving back pain. Most people think of cracking noises or neck discomfort. You may associate chiropractors with their expertise in alleviating pain along the spine. Yet, besides treating joint aches, they can also assist with recovery after an injury. These include a fall, sports injury, or car accident.


What Is Chiropractic Therapy?


Chiropractic is a complementary medicine. It is based on the body’s ability to heal through precise manipulations. These adjustments aim to realign joints and reduce pain. The focus of chiropractic treatment can vary from the spine to other body parts, depending on the specific issue.


It can treat pain in bones, cartilage, connective tissue, joints, and muscles. It shares some similarities with physical therapy. Yet, chiropractic centers around manual manipulations to relieve symptoms. In contrast, physical therapy emphasizes rehabilitating injuries with stretches and exercises. Sometimes, a combination of both chiropractic and physical therapy may be beneficial.


How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Injuries

Did you sustain an injury? If so, your priority should be to receive appropriate medical attention. Chiropractors offer expert and personalized care to help you recover from your injury.


Work or Auto Accident Injuries


Did you sustain an injury at work, at home, or following a car accident? If so, it is crucial to receive proper medical treatment for any injuries sustained. Whiplash, bruises, and other unseen injuries can worsen if left untreated. A chiropractor can provide non-invasive, drug-free care to achieve the following goals:


  • Pain relief

  • Reduced scar tissue

  • Restored range of motion


The chiropractor can do so through spinal adjustments and physical manipulations.


Sports Injuries


Athletes are prone to injuries such as sprains, strains, and broken bones. Some sports have a higher risk of such injuries than others. Regardless of your sport, chiropractic care can aid in your recovery.


A chiropractor can realign the spine and bones to reduce tension and thus ease pain in parts of the body such as the back, neck, knees, and shoulders. This treatment enhances athletic performance, joint function, and overall health by reducing inflammation and restoring mobility.


For athletes, spinal adjustments and stabilizations are particularly beneficial. The chiropractor will use manual techniques to target the joints of concern. That will reduce pressure, realign the spine and muscles, and restore joint function. Mobilization, which uses gentler techniques and specialized tools, has a similar purpose.


Injury Prevention


Chiropractic treatment can play a role in injury prevention. Here are a few methods your chiropractor may recommend:


  • Dynamic exercises

  • Spinal adjustment

  • Hip realignment

  • Instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy

  • Massage therapy


Additionally, many chiropractors offer nutritional advice as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. The aim is to improve patient health and athletic performance.




Chiropractic care involves adjustments to relieve pain and promote healing within the body. It primarily targets problems related to the spine. Studies suggest that chiropractic care can treat neck and back pain. Visiting a chiropractor can reduce the need for pain medications or surgical interventions.

For more on chiropractic care for injury recovery, contact The Spine Clinic at our Salem, Oregon, office. Call (503) 362-5555 to schedule an appointment today.