How Can Chiropractic Care Help Growing Kids?

Chiropractic care is growing in popularity because of its benefits for its patients. However, chiropractic care is not only meant for adults; it can be used for patients under 18 and even young babies. Most parents are not aware of the benefits that it has for growing babies.


Babies and growing children have sensitive bodies that experience a lot of trauma growing up. They fall, bump into things, are out discovering the new world, and are always playing. Getting spinal manipulations when they are this young will help them develop properly.


Specially licensed pediatric chiropractors can perform this on growing children. Here are ways that chiropractic care can help your child.


It Boosts the Immune System


There are seasons in a child’s life when they are sick for some time, and it can be rough for the whole family. Children can suffer from fevers that will not go away, persistent coughs, and running noses. You can take your child to the chiropractor before this season kicks in. Chiropractic care for kids helps boost their immune system to fight off disease better.


Studies show that chiropractic care not only helps keep disease away but also helps in healing quicker. Chiropractic care is also effective with stomach issues like indigestion and constipation.


It Promotes Healthy Living


When your child has a well-aligned spine, they will have better posture and health. When your child receives spinal adjustments, their neural pathways become clear. Clear neural pathways help the nervous system perform effectively.


Chiropractic care uses a holistic body approach, an excellent foundation for a healthy lifestyle.


It Helps With Brain Development


Chiropractic care has a direct influence on the brain development of children. It helps the brain’s nerves connect with the rest of the body through the spine and neck. The release of pressure from spinal manipulation helps this along quite well.


Improved brain development will help boost the concentration ability of the child. Also, it will lower hyperactivity, allowing a child to focus on one thing at a time. It has been shown to improve conditions like ADHD in children.


Improves the Behavior of Children


Chiropractic care helps with relieving pent-up tension in the joints and the spine. Releasing this tension can help a child feel more at ease and relaxed, leading to better moods. Because of stress and anxiety, most kids have poor behavior, which chiropractic care can ease. Spinal manipulation and adjustments will help your child relax and relieve stress.


Improves Quality of Sleep


Sleep is an important activity in the development of a healthy child. Sound sleep ensures that the child develops physically and emotionally. It also guarantees that they have a good day. If a child suffers from a spinal misalignment, their sleep cycle will be disrupted or of poor quality.


Poor spinal alignment may cause back pain or tight muscles, which may cause insomnia. It may also cause bedwetting in growing children, interrupting their sleep cycle. Getting spinal manipulation and adjustments can help correct this. The nerves in the back can relax and send the correct signals to the brain.


For more on how chiropractic care helps growing kids, call The Spine Clinic at (503) 362-5555 to reach our office in Salem, Oregon.