Reasons Extra Adjustments Help When You’re Stressed

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. While we may try to do all that we can to avoid it, it often sneaks up on us when we least expect it. There can be a huge number of different things that are causing stress in your life from your job or business, to your health, financial worries, family and kids. Whatever the cause of your elevated stress levels, it is important that you get these under control as soon as you can. One of the main reasons for this is because stress places the body under a great deal of strain and this can have physical as well as emotional effects. For example, stress has been proven to cause an inflammatory response in the body, and excessive inflammation has been linked to a range of health problems including autoimmune disorders, heart disease and stroke. Stress can also take a toll on your emotional health and wellbeing. Fortunately, chiropractic adjustments are a very effective treatment for managing stress and helping patients to avoid any associated conditions. 

What are chiropractic adjustments?

Chiropractic adjustments are the most commonly used form of therapy used by chiropractors. As their name suggests, the technique involves manually manipulating the spine so that the alignment is better, resolving a problem that is known as a subluxation. A chiropractic subluxation is a partial dislocation of part of the skeletal system.  


When a chiropractic adjustment (which is sometimes known as spinal manipulation) is made, the aim of the treatment is to bring the bones of the joint back into their natural position, thus relieving any stress, strain or pressure that has been placed on other supporting structures. For example, when an adjustment is done on a herniated disc, it can force the disc back into the correct position, alleviating the pressure that it had been placing on nerves in the spinal column. 


There are various types of techniques used for chiropractic adjustments, but the most common is a controlled, fast directional thrust into the joint. Your chiropractor will be able to explain to you what will happen during your treatment so that you know what to expect. 


How do chiropractic adjustments help to reduce stress?

Chiropractic care is a very effective treatment for stress reduction and works in several ways. Firstly, the very act of manipulating and adjusting the spine can release tension that is held in any area of the body. This happens because by altering the spine, pressure on any surrounding structures is released and oxygenated blood can flow freely to the target area. This additional blood flow prompts the release of endorphins which reduces the effects of pain and lowers inflammation. It also helps to combat the ‘fight or flight’ response that is common in patients who are highly stressed. 

Chiropractic adjustments also move the musculoskeletal system back into a natural and comfortable position. This is essential for removing the pressure that has been placed onto the spine, muscles, and bones, and again, this helps patients to feel more relaxed. It can even fully eliminate associated symptoms of stress including tension headaches, bruxism (teeth clenching and grinding) and other physical pains. 


If you are feeling stressed, extra chiropractic adjustments can help you to rediscover your sense of inner calm, without the need for prescription medication. To find out more, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our spine clinic today.